Live Webinars or In-person
Webinars, Workshops & Coaching (samples)

WORKPLACE HARMONY SERIES – Five Sessions (online or in-person per arrangements)
1. Principles of a Healthy Work Environment – Referencing academic research and workplace experience that describes a workplace environment for the aspects that support health, productivity, and high retention. The process helps identify the participant’s vision of a desired workplace and the barriers to this vision coming to reality thereby creating understanding on what constitutes a positive workplace.
2. Effective Communication – Explore understanding and use of key qualities of communication; such as, speaking to be understood, deep listening, quality of compassionate relationship, the strength of forgiveness and reconciliation, completing a conflict styles inventory. This process forms a strong basis for all relationships.
3. Cultural Sensitivity – In this workshop the participants will build an understanding of the power of labels and stereotypes, uncovering hidden discrimination, and invisible nature of racism, enabling building more inclusive connections.
4. Dealing with anxiety, mental health issues and addictions – The focus of this workshop is to build compassionate responses to difficult behaviours and perceptions, your own or others by setting boundaries, negotiating workable terms for common responsibilities.
5. Resolving discord before it becomes conflict – Prevention is a prime focus for conscious relationships. By identifying and applying the groups foundation for their desired workplace will result in the creation of an action plan making changes possible within the terms of their roles and responsibilities.
What I Provide
Interactive multimedia presentation through Zoom and/or onsite. Five x 2 hour sessions, preferably completed within a 5 week to 3 month time frame.
GROUP SESSION RATE (Max 12 Participants)
For minimum 6 participants to a maximum 12 participants $60 per session per person*+ HST. For 12 participants taking all 5 sessions cost is $3,600* +HST.
NOTE: Expenses such as travel, supplies or questionnaires are extra and will be outlined prior to any final agreement.
INDIVIDUAL RATE $75 per session +HST, $375 for 5 sessions +HST
Ask about other on-demand courses
(not part of the Workplace Harmony Series) For example:
- We Are All Connected living a culture of peace. Revealing the basis for discrimination and exclusion and moving to build stronger connections with the people we relate to.
- Peaceful Co-existence Exploring the basis of various kinds of conflict from misunderstanding to long standing anger and resentment that breeds violence. The goal of this series is to assess one’s capacity for nonviolent conflict resolution and commit to increasing that capacity.
- Emotions in Action One particular source of suffering are emotions running rampant in our psyches. Most of us have had little opportunity to become familiar with our emotions and what they contribute to our lives. This process takes a strong Buddhist approach to understanding our emotions and the positive information they can provide.
- Parenting Every parent is in the throes of the most difficult of relations that is, with a child who starts out with primitive communication and lots of expectations. Over several workshops parents can explore the joys and suffering of parenting with humour, sensitivity and evidence based approaches. The goal is to shine a light on a constructive path forward. This process is particularly suited to parents with children with high needs such as mental health issues, challenging behaviours, addictions and suicidal thoughts.
I am a trained executive and conflict resolution coach. I am happy to discuss these programs with you, or accommodations/customizations that could meet your specific needs. – Theresa Dunn