Become the agent of your life. The overarching goal is to achieve agency over your life that is: one’s ability to take action, be effective, influence one’s own life, and assume responsibility for one’s behaviour. These abilities are not always part of our upbringing or experience. With them we can better define who we are and what we want out of our relationships.
An important objective for my work is to increase the understanding and use of the principles of compassionate consciousness and peaceful means, such as nonviolent communication. Each process, that will be explored, can be customized for small groups or individuals.
The goals of a process I facilitate are:

Readiness and Courage How ready are you for change? It might not feel good yet embrace the beauty of your current state. Even when apparently in a frozen state light comes through. Beautiful in the present. Ready to transform and surrender to change.

Lifting of the fog. With loving kindness to yourself memories and emotions are beginning to come through the protective armour of your thoughts and defenses. You’re awakening to feelings and emotions that are influencing you each day but have been previously unnamed.

Healing. Facing the pains of the past that remain in our senses. Every painful experience, personal trauma to political injustice, does not need to happen but when it does it may cause distress and disorientation. Yet, there is the potential for positive transformation. It is a matter of knowing the options and becoming accountable to what we choose. Sometimes this takes a substantial makeover of our values and a substantial change of heart.

Self-Awareness & Purpose. You experience more of your natural state, clarity of your path and purpose, release of creative energy. You have greater clarity and confidence in the value you hold because you are a creative product of life. You were meant to be here. You or any part of you is not a mistake or burden. You bring your light to the meaning of life.

Restoration. Like the story of the Phoenix that rises out of the ashes of its previous self you start to feel this new found energy, bringing more agency (power) to your life and to those you interact with.