“Pastor Samuel and the community need help”
May 31, 2023
<div class=”gfm-embed” data-url=”https://www.gofundme.com/f/buy-shoes-for-children-in-bukavu-dr-congo/widget/large”></div><script defer src=”https://www.gofundme.com/static/js/embed.js”></script>
Providing the basics for school age children is an ongoing challenge for those served by the Peace and Conflict Resolution Foundation (foundationpcr.org). Ten dollars will buy a child a pair of shoes to start school in September. This is not an issue of style but self-esteem is a factor when someone can have shoes. Moreover, it protects the children from parasites and injury possible from walking on ungroomed services. Please donate if you can.
January 20, 2022
Background: A colleague of mine, Pastor Samuel Muderhwa, provides services to women and children in South Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo who are displaced through civil war and lack of resources. Pastor Samuel’s work has provided the necessities of life such as medical care, food, and housing, as well as educational support for children and entrepreneurial training for women. But his needs just got supersized!
We have been working on increasing his international visibility to help obtain much-needed funds.
I heard someone say during this pandemic “We are in the same storm”, yes, but in different size boats, with varying abilities to survive the storm. Some desperately need to be thrown a life-jacket and be provided help to avoid going under.
If you can help with this cause please email me at [email protected]

Arnprior Cares continues to appreciate the goodwill and compassion of people in Arnprior, Ontario and other communities far and wide over the last years in supporting a refugee family. Fundraisers and cultural events have been held with wonderful community support and generosity. The initial funds have been primarily used to support Jean’s family who is still in Africa. It’s been almost 4 years since he has been able to live with his family.
While significant progress has been made to raise the needed funds for Jean and his family, we still need funds to meet the goal of at least $30,000 as the day for their reunification comes closer. Can you help?
Click on the green donate button below to Go to the Arnprior Cares.ca

To participate in campaigning for more humane treatment of refugees related to family reunification please write to your MP or local refugee community services to advocate for equal treatment of people seeking asylum according to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Responsibilities that is:
- That they are afforded a transparent process and notified of the process and actual timelines
- That they have access to legal council especially since that it is a requirement for those seeking asylum to communicate with Immigration through a lawyer
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